EMP Shield Micro – EMP & Lightning Protection for Vehicles (DC-12V-MICRO)

Sale price$449.00


Next Generation EMP Protection With Military Certified Testing.

78% Smaller Than Our Original Vehicle EMP Shield With the Same Incredible EMP, CME, & Lightning Protection.

🇺🇸 100% American Made Veteran Owned Company

Listed by the Department of Homeland Security. 


NEW! EMP Shield Micro

Same Incredible Protection With a 78% Smaller Size Compared to Our Original EMP Shield Vehicle Model

EMP Shield Micro - 78% Smaller Incredible EMP Protection for Vehicles

What’s New?


●  78% smaller than our original EMP Shield vehicle model.

●  Has the same incredible EMP, Lightning, and CME protection as our original EMP Shield vehicle model.

●  Perfect for vehicle engine compartments that have limited space.

●  Sized perfectly for ATV’s, Motorcycles, and other small mobile platforms.

More Features of the MICRO


●  Includes 2x industrial fasteners to easily swap the EMP Shield Micro Between Vehicles.

●  New LED indicator draws 150x less energy (18.4 micro amps) while maintaining the same brightness as the original vehicle model.

EMP Shield Micro Vehicle EMP Protection



EMP Protection

All Phases of an EMP (E1, E2, E3)

Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) & Solar Flare

Up to 228,000 Amps

Lightning Protection

100% Lightning Guarantee Backed By a $25,000 Insurance Policy


Some Organizations We Work With

US eagle

DHS United States Department of Homeland Security

U.S. AIRFORCE United States Airforce


FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency

badge<br />

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation



Industry Leading 10 Year Warranty

If it fails at anytime during the 10 year Limited Lifetime warranty, we replace it for $50. No questions asked!

Backed by $25,000 of Insurance

If the device doesn’t protect your electronics, we will cover the damage. It’s that simple.

Surpasses All Military EMP Testing Standards

  • MIL-STD-188-125-1
  • MIL-STD-464C
  • MIL-STD-461-G
  • RS-105 (90,000 Volts)

Tested at Intertek

Our devices have been tested at Intertek to UL 1449 standards.

Yellow Card: 5017129

Listed by the Department of Homeland Security

EMP Shield Has Set New Standards in EMP Protection and is Listed by Homeland Security in their EMP Resilience Report

One of the Worlds Fastest

Our Technology Begins Pulling Excess Electricity from Your Homes Electrical System in 500 Trillionths of a Second

14 Day Money Back Guarantee

If You Decide EMP Shield Isn’t For You, We Offer a 14 Day No Questions Asked Return Policy

Incredibly Powerful

The EMP Shield is Capable of Withstanding up to 228,000 AMPS per phase.

IP 66 Rated

For Use in Extreme Hot & Cold Climate Conditions. Extreme weather proven at Edison Testing Laboratories.

Easily Installs in 10 Minutes or Less

We have designed the EMP Shield to install easily for any application. All devices have an easy to follow installation guide.

Why Do I Need EMP Shield?

  • The Government has released an EMP Executive order & Homeland Security is urging people to get prepared quickly!
  • Although the grid may be down, your electrical equipment and home will still be functional if you have EMP Shield. 
  • EMP Shield will ensure your vehicle operates after an EMP helping you get home, save family members, or even get supplies while others cannot.
  • Your home will be 100% protected from lightning saving you thousands of dollars and months of time if you are hit with lightning.
  • If you have a solar system or generator, you will have power and functional equipment while others do not!

How Has This Been Tested?

Isn’t a nuclear explosion required to create an EMP?

The threat of an EMP is the large amount of electricity that is induced into conductors that generate heat and can be destroyed.  There are only a few testing facilities in the world capable of producing the same amount of electricity that an EMP produces.

EMP Shield has been rigorously tested at the Keystone compliance facility which is a federally approved testing facility that is used to conduct many of today's most advanced and comprehensive technological tests. Our testing and evaluations conducted at the facility were documented in depth to show the true ability and durability of the EMP Shield.


EMP Shield has been designed to exceed the US Military requirements for protection against a high-altitude nuclear detonation that results in an electromagnetic pulse. This family of products has been tested at Keystone Compliance, a DOD Certified Testing Laboratory, to verify compliance with the following Military Standards:

MIL-STD-461-RS105 Transient electromagnetic pulse of up to 50 kV/m, double exponential wave with a rise time in the nanosecond range, that is applied to the equipment under test (EUT) at least 5 times. We tested at 50 kV/m and also 90 kV/m (80% above required testing voltage).

MIL-STD-188-125-1 High Altitude EMP

MIL-STD-461G Control of Electromagnetic Interference

MIL-STD-461-CS-115 The purpose of CS115 is to test an electronic or electrical system to withstand signals coupled onto the test unit’s associated cabling. The test unit will be subjected to rise and fall times, pulse width, and amplitude as specified on Figure CS115-1 at a 30 Hz rate for one minute;

MIL-STD-461-CS116 applies to 10 kHz to 100 MHz for all interconnecting cables, including power cables, and individual high side power leads;

MIL-STD-461 CS117 apples to all safety-critical equipment interconnecting cables and non-safety critical equipment with interconnecting cables/electrical interfaces that are part of or connected to equipment performing safety critical functions. The goal is to test the unit’s ability to withstand lightning transients coupled onto the test unit’s associated cables and power leads;

MIL-STD-464C Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Requirements for Systems.

Our test results show that we begin shunting the over-voltage condition in less than 1 nanosecond, and our units are designed to shunt over 100,000 Amps per phase. Our devices are scalable to any size.


How Does EMP Shield Work?

EMP Shield will protect all the electronics and equipment connected to your electrical system.

This is accomplished by shunting (shorting) the over voltage coming in from the grid and the induced voltage that is collected within your home.

Whether the source of electrons are from within your home or coming into your electrical system from outside the home (the grid), the Shield will see the surge and protect your electrical system. Our technology reacts in less than 1 billionth of a second. Since the shunting is completed incredibly fast, the over voltage is drained away from the equipment before the voltage can rise high enough to damage any equipment. We call this new technology SightSpeed

emp shield vehicle model 2

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